Memorial: Sherri Walters

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello, my name is Andrew Codispoti. I’m Sherri Walters’ oldest son.

After over two years of struggle with her lung cancer, my Mom, Sherri Walters, passed away on Monday, February 21st, 2011, in the presence of my brothers Daniel and Matthew and her husband Andrew.

The published obituary can be found here: obituary

Mom passed away peacefully on Monday morning. Until her last breath, she was living “full steam ahead”. She had moved out of the Hospice House in Concord and was living in Peterborough in a B&B owned by friends. Since her move to the hospice house in January she had made great strides in getting back to self-reliance. Each day that passed brought a new small joy, such as dancing, being able to walk around the hospice house on her own oxygen-assisted power, or eventually, “breaking out” and moving to Peterborough.

In Peterborough she was glad to cook some of her own meals, do her own dishes, even soak up the sun on the porch (it was a balmy 40°F)! Every day was spent with friends or family, visiting and making plans for the days ahead.

Mom was working on her list of ways to go (a list which I intend to see finished). Her philosophy was that she would rather be doing any of the things on her list than “lying in bed waiting to go.” She accomplished this dream. Not just in practical terms, as she danced, cooked, and had tea through the last days of her life, but also in her life in a greater sense. She refused to lie down and wait. Rather, she planned for each tomorrow as just another day of glorious life.

Because of this it is all the more difficult to believe that her physical presence in this world has ended! The power of her desire for life is still strong, her presence still strong in all the plans and dreams she left with us.

Living Downstream

In her days in the hospice house and later in Peterborough, Mom was hard at work on a new project. She became interested in finding the causes of cancer, and specifically in the works of ecologist Sandra Steingraber. Steingraber has made a film which explores the causes of cancer through a personal lens, and it was Mom’s goal to show and discuss this film with 1000 people, in the hopes that those 1000 people would show the film to another 1000, and that the educational value of the film could increase.

More information about Sandra Steingraber and the film can be found at the website Living Downstream. Also, please keep an eye on the pages of this blog, which will serve as a focal point for those of us who are continuing Mom’s project to show the film to 1000 people. We will be organizing viewings and discussions, and will welcome your help on Mom’s behalf in any way you can.

Homeschooling Website

Another project Mom continued to work on through the past months was her homeschool resource page, Living, Loving, and Learning Together. Mom was committed to the support of homeschooling, and one of her greatest joys was the copious time she spent each year with homeschooling families from around the state of New Hampshire. In fact she was gearing up to be able to do a few evaluations this spring, against all odds. The idea of seeing “her homeschoolers” again and hearing about your year’s learning adventures filled her with hope.

As she planned for those evaluations she also was aware of the possibility that she wouldn’t be strong enough or otherwise able to do them, so she continued to create the material on her homeschooling website, intending it be used as a resource for those she would no longer be able to advise directly. Rest assured that her work on this site will be continued by myself and others. Keep an eye on this healing site for more news about the homeschooling site. Projects for the future include means by which you can submit your projects to share with other homeschoolers, as well as further resources and ideas.

Heifer Project

Mom hoped that those who wished to make a contribution to a cause she admired should contribute to Heifer Project. I’ve set up a special memorial registry on the Heifer Project website at this address:

Through the registry you can donate in Heifer’s special way (“purchase” a cow, a goat, chickens, etc).

The Future

Mom’s remains will be cremated and scattered on family land. It is her wish that those who love her gather together in celebration of her life at her home in Fitzwilliam. This event will be planned for spring or early summer, and more information will be forthcoming through the pages of this blog.

To get in touch with any family member or if you have other questions, please contact me, Andrew Codispoti, via phone or email: acodispo ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com

Thank you so much to the readers of this blog who have followed Mom through her journey. Though Mom has reached the destination of her healing path, those of us left behind have much healing to do in dealing with our loss, so this site will continue to be used for the purpose Mom intended it for. Please subscribe via email or RSS to stay up to date on our doings here. We hope to use this site as a supplement to in-person gatherings, with slideshows, pictures of Mom and the things she created for us, with news about our continuations of Mom’s projects, and with words about our own healing.

Please email me if you are interested in adding content to this site. Thoughts or stories about Sherri, or art (writing, poetry, visual art) on the healing theme, would definitely be appreciated.

If you would like to leave a message for friends and family of Sherri Walters, feel free to post a public comment (below), or email me if you would like to send a private message.

Thank you all for the love and support you showed to Mom throughout her illness and throughout her life. I hope you will join me and my family in our continuing project of honoring her life and achievements, and in understanding the depth of her (continuing) love for us.

With love and peace,
Andrew Codispoti

on behalf of Sherri’s husband, Andrew Walters, and her sons Andrew, Daniel, and Matthew Codispoti

16 Responses to Memorial: Sherri Walters

  1. Leigh says:

    Oh Andrew, such a beautiful tribute to your mom. What a shining inspirational light she still is. Wishing all the most wonderful thoughts and memories to keep you warm and give you peace. Best, Leigh

  2. Carole Beckwith says:

    Dear Andrews, Daniel and Matthew,

    That was one of the most eloquent, sensitive, caring obituaries I have ever read. In it you captured in an ephemeral way, the essence of Sherri’s deep caring for her family, friends and the world at large. To see that you will carry on the projects she envisioned is a great tribute to her even as it helps you heal yourselves. I will look forward to following your contributions and developments of her pet projects.
    It is clear that through her family she has left a legacy that will make a positive impact on the lives of many. With sympathy, empathy and caring thoughts for you all.. and I will look forward to a celebration of Sherri when the time is right…
    Carole Beckwith

  3. Mom and Dad McCreary says:

    Dear Sherri,

    God saw you were getting tired,
    And a cure was not to be.
    So he put his arms around you
    And whispered, “Come to me.”

    With tearful eyes we watched you,
    And saw you fade away.
    Although we loved you dearly,
    We could not make you stay.

    A golden heart stopped beating
    Hard working hands at rest.
    God broke our hearts to prove to us,
    He only takes the best.

    We will always remember your unselfish dedication to others, your passion for life and for living and your love and devotion to your family.

    With all our love, Mom and Dad

  4. Margaret McCreary says:

    You can shed tears that she is gone,
    or you can smile because she has lived.
    You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back,
    or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.
    Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her,
    or you can be full of the love she shared.
    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
    or you can be happy tomorrow because of yesterday.
    You can remember her only because she is gone,
    or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
    You can cry and close your mind,
    be empty and turn your back.
    Or you can do what she’d want:
    smile, open your eyes, love and go on. -David Harkin

    I am forever grateful for all the shared knowledge and encouragement you gave me during Uncle Danny’s brief journey with lung cancer. And, all the joy you brought to the grandchildren and me with your e-mails and packages. Aunt Margaret

  5. Tracie Smith says:

    Andrew, Andrew, Daniel and Matt,

    Sherri is an inspiration for us all. I didn’t know about the homeschooling site. What a great idea. I am considering homeschooling when I have a family and am appreciative of this resource she created. Her contributions will live on for generations to come. Sending deep love, healing and peace to you all.


  6. Jeanne Sable says:

    Dear Andrew, Andrew, Daniel, Matthew, and all of Sherri’s many loved ones,

    I first became aware of what a special person Sherri was through our connection with the former Fitzwilliam Farmers Market. That’s where I spent a memorable hour or more with her, sitting on a grassy slope in the sun, listening to the music and chatting. She was so open and accepting of her recent diagnosis, and already planning ways to help others deal with what she was experiencing.
    We talked about my late husband’s cancer, the unconventional treatment regimen we were pursuing, and many things about which I could share with few others. We also discussed music, and it was clear to me how very proud she was of her talented sons and the music that filled their home.
    My memory of Sherri will forever be cast in the sunlight and surrounded by the music and spirit of that peaceful morning at the Farmers Market.
    May you be comforted and blessed by the love she shared, as its energy continues on its course.



  7. bonnie says:

    You have three amazing boys/men.(To me they will always be your boys!)
    They are something to be proud of!
    Through them everyone can see what a wonderful mother you have been.
    I have so many fond memories of things we did together.
    Thank you for being such a special sister.
    I sure am going to miss you!


    • Sandra Gunn says:

      I just found out about your sister and I am trying to recall any memories that I had of her, at you house in Red Oaks Mill. I will never forget that beautiful green house on Spackenkill Road in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. It sounds like your sister spent her last months living and preparing for her final journey. It’s so inspiring , for me, as a nurse, to have a patient that can still find joy and happiness in their final days. Ensuring a good death for all is a major challenge not only for healthcare professionals but also for society. I was happy to read that your sister had the essential resources available to allow her to die with dignity in a setting of her own choice. I remember Sherri being very quiet and shy, yet very loving and warm. My heart goes out to her family and friends. Sandra Starpoli

  8. John McCreary says:

    I remember when Sherri was a baby she and Janis lived with us while Dave was in the military. What a joy it was to have little Sherri in our home. As she grew into a lovely woman she always showed a quiet, kind, and gentle spirit. We all will miss her.
    Uncle John & Aunt Barb

  9. Shelley Guynn Stolle says:

    Sherri is the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I have ever known. She set the standard for a quiet and gentle spirit. I am proud to have been able to call her my cousin. Our loss is Heaven’s gain. She will be loved and missed forever, well, until I see her in Heaven.

    Love always ,
    Shelley Guynn Stolle

  10. Patricia McCreary Raehn says:

    I have not had the opportunity to know Sherri for I was a child when I last spent time with her. This site is a wonderful tribute to an adored woman, daughter, wife, mother, and friend. Thank you for share her heart and yours with us. I am touched by her attitude, determination and commitment. And as I read this it caused me to look at my own attitude and level of determination.

    Thanks for sharing her interest and loves. As a homeschooling mom of 14 years I loved viewing her website. She has left behind a great legacy ….in her children.

  11. Peggie Greenough says:

    What an amazing tribute to such an amazing woman!! I only knew Sherri for a few short years but am still in awe at her zest for life and her love for her ALL her boys (sons and hubby). She was an inspiration as a homeschooling mom.
    I was thinking about her the other day and happened across an obituary posted on a local HS site, very sad. So sorry for your loss, words cannot express. I know her love of life still and always will surround each of you…. and even weaves its way into the lives of us, her many friends and fans. I will miss Sherri and her unbreakable strength, unbeatable spirit and unending love. The words I keep seeing to describe her are, quiet, kind and gentle. Those words epitomize Sherri’s spirit for me, along with beautiful, gracious and strong. May God bless you all! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
    much love from the Greenough family,
    David, Peggie, Randy, Jason, Tommy and Riley

  12. Joshua Gordon says:

    The world has a small hole in it with Sherri’s passing. I think of her often.

  13. Carol, John, Sarah and Dean Anderson says:

    I cannot put into words what Sherri did for our family. This year would have marked our 10th year of having the honor of having her as our home schooling evaluator. During those years we grew and learned in ways that would have never happened had we not met her and her family.
    She forever changed our lives for the better. We live healthier and happier lives because of her guidance and care. Our children are growing up to be incredible young adults, and I know, without a doubt, I could have never done it without Sherri’s wisdom.
    We are heartbroken that she is not still here with us. The sense of loss is still with us, but we find ourselves now discussing the adventures we’ve had because of something she suggested we do. We will always miss her, but we will also always see her in things we do throughout the rest of our lives.

  14. Becka says:

    Sherri and I met in La Leche League in Northfield, MN…..She was nursing Dan, and I was nursing Gabriel. She quietly offered her friendship to me then, and I have been graced with her loving presence ever since. Oh, we’ve had our squabbles! But she always lead us back on track and extended herself yet again. That kind of love and a cup of tea is hard to turn down! Oh my, how many kinds and cups of tea we had! For a while it was chai, then she switched to white tea, then robois, then Tasha Tudor’s Welch Breakfast. I had the best stash of tea in town as every time she sent a card or a package (she was famous for her sweet packages of various goodies) a packet of tea or a tea bag would be enclosed. She was the best kind of best friend a girl could ever wish for. Our boys were the same ages and we shared all the trials and joys of raising them. I lost track of all the many visits I made out to NH to visit her. To that end, there are many adventures in my vast store of memories. I remember going out to NH to help her get ready for the wedding in their yard, and all the things we did (think: little Martha Stewarts!) for two weeks as The Day approached! I remember standing with her in front of the little house when it was just a scruffy little shack surrounded by rogue saplings, us peering into the dirty windows, her dreaming aloud how it would look when they got done with it. Besides her sons that Little House is the best testament to her will and love and determination once she set her mind on something. I was so lucky she set that will and mind to a friendship with me. How did i get so lucky? I could go on and on, but most of you know what a remarkable woman she was. As I set the tiniest wee tea set out in the fairy house she built for me I wished her a Happy Birthday this week, hoping her spirit would know how much she is loved and missed.

  15. Kris Johannesson says:

    Dear Sherri,

    I met someone today who made me remember some of the reasons I loved you as my friend. She has a neighbor the next field up who is beginning her journey with the same form of cancer that you fought. She loves Pickity Place, and has many of the herbs she has found during her visits to this place. She is using her sauna three times a week. She is my new neighbor. I am passing along all that I was aware of that you worked hard to uncover and pass on to others. She is home schooling her children. She is walking every day, and hiking with her family. Your work here has been great. I remember. You have helped yet another family.

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