Meaningful goals help me to truly live life!

Each day I receive Meaning & Purpose Words for Wellness from Cancer Research and Wellness

One I recently received stated: When motivated by goals with deep meaning, by dreams that need completing, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life!

Even as my health has been compromised over the past months I need to hold on to my dreams and sense of meaning to life.

For over two years I have gone the route of traditional treatment of my cancer along with alternative therapies to complement. I have always wondered while doing this how much focus needs to be placed on what caused this cancer of mine and the cancers of oh so many others. Cancer rates have not declined over the past years during which we have been waging a war on cancer. We need to be looking for a reason along with our search for a cure. Perhaps they are complements to each other.

As a goal for myself in this direction I am hitching my wagon to a star in Sandra Steingraber with her book and newly released documentary film Living Downstream. I have purchased a copy of the film hoping to be a support in its being shown around New Hampshire and beyond.

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